Doctoral Theses completed2017-2018
Stich, Sebastian | 2018 |
Pragmatischer Städtebau 1927-1981 - Otto Senn | |
Examiner: Prof. Markus Peter
Co-examiner: Emanuel Christ, Christ & Gantenbein Architekten, Basel
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Vilela Junior, Adalbert Jose | 2018 |
Architecture Without Applause: The Manufactured Work of João Filgueiras Lima, Lelé | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Laurent Stalder
Co-examiner: Sylvia Ficher, Universidade de Brasília ; Max Risselada, TU Delft;
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Macken, Jared | 2018 |
Radical Picturesque and Owen Luder’s Town Centre of 1960’s England | |
Examiner: Ass.Prof. Dr. Alexander Lehnerer
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Robert Somol, College of Architecture, UIC Chicago IL
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Malterre-Barthes, Anne-Charlotte | 2018 |
Food Territories. The Political Economy of Food Systems and its Effects on the Built Environment. Case Study Egypt. Zur Auszeichnung 2018 vorgeschlagen. | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Marc Angélil
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Basil Kamel, AUC Cairo; Prof. Dr. Cary Siress, Nanjing University
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Stieger, Lorenzo Fabian | 2018 |
Vom Hang zur Schräge. Das Terrassenhaus in der Schweiz: Aufstieg und Fall einer gefeierten Wohnbautypologie 1958-1973. Zur Auszeichnung 2019 vorgeschlagen. | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Alexander Lehnerer
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Sascha Roesler, USI Mendrisio
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Schindler Kilian, Susanne Margarete | 2018 |
The Housing that Model Cities Built: Context, Community and Capital in New York City, 1966-76 | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Felicity Scott, Columbia University, NY; Prof. Dr. Joseph Heathcott, The New School, NY
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Kokalevski, Damjan | 2018 |
Performing the Archive: Skopje. From the Ruins of the City of the Future | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung
Co-examiner: Ass. Prof. Felicity Dale Scott, Columbia University (GSAPP)
ETHZ E-Collection | |
D'Acunto, Pierluigi | with distinction 2018 |
Structural Folding for Architectural Design. A New Approach to the Design of Folded Plate Structure in Architecture. Vorschlag zur Auszeichnung 2019! | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Joseph Schwartz
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Denis Zastavni, Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL); Prof. Dr. Corentin Fivet, École polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Dörfler, Kathrin | 2018 |
Strategies for Robotic In situ Fabrication | |
Examiner: Prof. Fabio Gramazio
Co-examiner: Prof. Matthias Kohler; Prof. Drl Jonas Buchli, D-MAVT, ETHZ
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Svetozarevic, Bratislav | 2018 |
Soft Robotic-Driven Adaptive Photovoltaic Building Envelopes. Zur Auszeichnung 2019 vorgeschlagen. | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Arno Schlüter
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Zoltan Nagy, The University of Texas at Austin (USA)
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Lunati, Angelo Raffaele | 2018 |
Ideas of Ambiente. History and bourgeois ethics in the construction of modern Milan, 1881-1969. | |
Examiner: Prof. Adam Caruso
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Laurent Stalder, Institut gta, ETHZ; Prof. Marco Biraghi, Politecnico di Milano
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Eidenbenz, Johannes Michael | 2018 |
Solving Lloyd's - Zur Rolle von 1:1 Mock-Ups im Bauprozess vorschlag zur Auszeichnung 2018! | |
Examiner: Prof. Sacha Menz
Co-examiner: Prof. Markus Peter
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Hack, Norman Peter | with distinction 2018 |
Robotically fabricated spatial meshes as concrete formwork and reinforcement | |
Examiner: Prof. Matthias Kohler
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Axel Kilian, Princeton University; Prof. Dr. Jan Willmann, Bauhaus University Weimar
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Pinto Figueiredo Lima de Veiga, Rute Maria | 2018 |
Exhibiting Disciplinarity: The Venice Biennale of Architecture 1980-2012 | |
Examiner: Prof. em. Dr. Ákos Moravánszky
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Vrontissi, Maria | 2018 |
The Physical Model as Means of Projective Inquiry in Structural Studies. The Paradigm of Architectural Education. | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Joseph Schwartz
Co-examiner: Ass.Prof. Toni Kotnik, Sutd Singapore
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Hagn, Andrea Gerlinde | 2018 |
Politicising the urban - The politics of slum re-development in the temple city of Puri, Odisha | |
Examiner: Prof. Dietmar Eberle
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid, Soziologie D-ARCH; Prof. Dr. Banerjee-Guha, Swapna (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai)
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Nüssli, Rahel | 2018 |
Urbanisierungspolitiken in der Metropolitanregion Zürich. Zürich Nord, Ausserschwyz und der metropolitane Massstab | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Marc Angélil, ETHZ; Prof. Dr. Stefan Kipfer, York University, Canada
Sinno, Yasmine | 2018 |
Solà-Morales's Terrain Vague: Text and Contexts. Formulation, Dissemination and Reception: Perception and Intervention; Processes at the Turn of the Millennium | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Xavier Costa, Northeastern University, Boston US
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Apolinarska, Aleksandra Anna | 2018 |
Complex Timber Structures from simple Elements. | |
Examiner: Prof. Fabio Gramazio, Institut ITA, ETHZ
Co-examiner: Prof. Matthias Kohler, Institut ITA, ETHZ; Prof. Dr. Werner Sobek, Uni Stuttgart
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Gleich, Moritz Paul | 2018 |
Bewohnte Maschinen. Die Erfindung architektonischer Operativität (1780-1850) Vorschlag zur Auszeichnung 2018! | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Laurent Stalder
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Markus Krajewski, Uni Basel; Prof. Dr. Barry Bergdoll, Columbia University
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Batra, Ritika | 2018 |
Performance Review of Public-Private Partnerships and their Application Potential in Housing | |
Examiner: Prof. Sacha Menz
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Bryan T. Adey, D-BAUG
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Enrique Monzo, Lluis | 2018 |
Design of CASTonCAST shell structures based on Load Path Network Method | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Joseph Schwartz
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Hans-Rudolf Ganz, VSL International Ltd. CH
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Ortiz dos Santos, Daniela | 2018 |
Routes of Modernity or the Americas of Le Corbusier: Voyages, Affinities and Anthropophagy | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. À. Moravànszky
Co-examiner: Prof. em. Arthur Rüegg; Da Silva Pereira, M.; Prof. Dr. Laurent Stalder, ETHZ
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Precht, Georg | 2018 |
Die Grammatik der Atelier 5-Siedlungen | |
Examiner: Prof. Annette Spiro
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Angelus Eisinger, Hochschule Luzern
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Castellón González, Juan José | 2018 |
Stereotomic Models in Architecture. Introducing Hierarchical Porosity in Architectural and Structural Design. | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Joseph Schwartz
Co-examiner: Prof. Alberto Campo Baeza, ETSAM Madrid; Prof. Achim Menges, ICD Universität Stuttgart
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Kockelkorn, Anne Maria | with distinction 2018 |
The Social Condenser II. Eine Archäologie zu Wohnungsbau und Zentralität in der Pariser Banlieue am Beispiel der Wohnungsbauten von Ricardo Bofill und Taller de Arquitectura | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid, Soziologie D-ARCH; Prof. Dr. Jean-Louis Cohen, New York University US;
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Jayathissa, Prageeth Chinthaka | 2018 |
Design and Assessment of Adaptive Photovoltaic Envelopes Zur Auszeichnung 2018 vorgeschlagen. | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Arno Schlüter
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Zoltan Nagy, The University of Texas at Austin (USA)
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Schütz, Nadine Michèle | 2018 |
Cultivating Sound: The Acoustic Dimension of Landscape Architecture Zur Auszeichnung 2018 vorgeschlagen. | |
Examiner: Prof. Christophe Girot
Co-examiner: Prof. Kiyoshi Sey Takeyama, Kyoto University; Prof. Germán Toro Pérez, ZHDK
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Rust, Romana | 2018 |
Spatial Wire Cutting. Integrated Design, Simulation and Force-adaptive Fabrication of Double Curved Formwork Components | |
Examiner: Prof. Matthias Kohler
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Mark Pauly, EPFL
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Röthlisberger, Petra | 2017 |
Unaufgeregt und selbstverständlich. Der Winterthurer Architekt Franz Scheibler (1898-1960) und die Normalität im Deutschschweizer Wohnungsbau 1924-1948 | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Ita Heinze-Greenberg; Dr. Daniel Kurz, Historiker und Architekturpublizist, Zürich
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Kiss, Daniel | 2017 |
Modeling Post-Socialist Urbanization. The Case of Budapest | |
Examiner: Prof. Kees Christiaanse
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. em. Ákos Moravánszky
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Orozco Esquivel, Jorge | 2017 |
Indexical Architecture. Prominent Positions, Applications and the Web | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Ludger Hovestadt
Co-examiner: Ass.Prof. Philippe Morel, École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris-Malaquais; Prof. Dr. phil. Vera Bühlmann, TU Wien;
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Howe, Lindsay Blair | 2017 |
Thinking through Peripheries. Structural Spatial Inequality in Johannesburg. | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Lutz Wingert, D-GESS, ETHZ; Prof. Dr. Phil Harrison, University of the Witwatersrand, ZA
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Kirchengast, Albert Heinrich | with distinction 2017 |
Das unvollständige Haus. Mies van der Rohe und die Landschaft der Moderne | |
Examiner: Prof. Christophe Girot
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Barry Bergdoll, Columbia University, New York; Prof. Dr. Cornelia Klinger, Uni Tübingen (D)
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Hipp, Anna Maria | 2017 |
Wissensproduktion im Spannungsfeld zwischen Forschung und Praxis: Die Architekturausbildung im Zeitalter von Bologna | |
Examiner: Prof. Dietmar Eberle
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Franz Schultheis, SSHS St. Gallen; PD Dr. Monika Kurath, Uni St. Gallen
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Beyer, Elke | 2017 |
Die Produktion sozialistischer Urbanität. Stadtzentrumsplanungen in der Sowjetunion in den 1960er Jahren | |
Examiner: Prof. em. Dr. Ákos Moravánszky
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Monica Rüthers, Universität Hamburg; Prof. Dr. Laurent Stalder
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Koltsova, Anastasia | 2017 |
Inverse Urban Design Support. Attribute Extraction from the Local Context | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schmitt
Co-examiner: Dr. Bige Tunçer, SUTD Singapore
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Veenendaal, Diederik | 2017 |
Design and Form Finding of flexibly formed Concrete Shell Structures. Zur Auszeichnung 2017 vorgeschlagen. | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Philippe Block
Co-examiner: Prof. Kristina Shea, D-MAVT; Prof. Mark West, MIT; Prof. Kai-Uwe Bletzinger, TU München; Dr. Bernhard Thomaszewski, Disney Research, Zurich
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Standfest, Matthias | 2017 |
Applying Emergent Features of Architectural Geometry | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schmitt
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Helmut Pottmann, TU Wien
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Zhao, Hu | 2017 |
Distributed Building Information Modeling in the Multidisciplinary Collaboration | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Arno Schlueter
Co-examiner: Prof. Sacha Menz; Prof. Dr. Shi, Xing, Southeast University, China
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Marincic, Nikola | with distinction 2017 |
Towards Communication in CAAD. Spectral Characterisation and Modelling with Conjugate Symbolic Domains | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Ludger Hovestadt
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Vera Bühlmann, Institut für Architekturwissenschaften, TU Wien; Dr. Elias Zafiris, Dept. of Mathematics,/Logic, Eötvös Uni, Budapest
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Javadian, Alireza | 2017 |
Composite Bamboo and its Application as Reinforcement in Structural Concrete Zur Auszeichnung 2017 vorgeschlagen. | |
Examiner: Ass.Prof. Dr. Dirk Hebel
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Ian Smith, EPFL
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Kalpakci, Andreas | with distinction 2017 |
Making CIAM. The Organizational Techniques of the Moderns, 1928-1959 | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Laurent Stalder
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Lucia Allais, Princeton University; Prof. Dr. Tom Avermaete, Delft University NL
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Zaghloul, Mohamed | 2017 |
Machine-Learning aided Architectural Design. Synthesize Fast CFD by Machine-Learning | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Ludger Hovestadt
Co-examiner: Prof. Peter Moonen, University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour (UPPA), France
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Bahr, Marco | 2017 |
Form Finding and Analysis of Shells and Slabs Based on Equilibrium Solutions | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Joseph Schwartz
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Aurelio Muttoni, EPFL
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Bächtiger, Marcel | 2017 |
Augen, die anders sehen. Le Corbusier und die Kinematographie | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung
Co-examiner: Prof. Wolfgang Schett
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Widder, Lynnette | 2017 |
'Ist dann das räumliche Bauen zu Ende?': Hans Schwippert, Sep Ruf and the Culture of Building in German Modern Architecture, 1949-59 | |
Examiner: Ursprung, P.
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Dietrich Neumann, Brown University
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Sawyer, Lindsay | 2017 |
Plotting the prevalent but undertheorised residential areas of Lagos. Conceptualising a process of urbanisation through grounded theory and comparison | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid
Co-examiner: Prof. Hubert Klumpner; Prof. Simone AbdouMaliq, Goldsmiths College, University of London
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Wong, Kit Ping | 2017 |
Cross border territory of urbanization: Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Dongguan | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Marc Angélil; Prof. Dr.Angela Stienen, Uni Bern; Prof. Dr. Wing-Shing TANG, Baptist University, Hong Kong
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Prescott, Michaela Frances | 2017 |
Village in the River: Transformation of riverine landscapes in vernacular urban settlements in Jakarta, Indonesia. | |
Examiner: Prof. Christophe Girot
Co-examiner: Dr. Rita Padawangi, NUS Singapore;
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Zünd, Daniel | 2017 |
A Meso-Scale Framework to Support Urban Planning | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schmitt
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Juval Portugali, Tel-Aviv University
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Llaguno Municha, Maider Ainara | 2017 |
Airflow Analysis in the Architectural Design Proccess | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Joseph Schwartz
Co-examiner: Prof. Elie Bou-Zeid, Princeton University
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Miller, Clayton Carl | 2017 |
Screening Meter Data: Characterization of Temporal Energy Data from Large Groups of Non-Residential Buildings | |
Examiner: Ass.Prof. Dr. Arno Schlüter
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Stefan Arisona, FH Nordwestschweiz
ETHZ E-Collection | |
Tapias Pedraza, Estefania | 2017 |
Climate-Sensitive Urban Adapation: Analysis of Qualitative and Quantitative Data of Outdoor Thermal Comfort in Barranquilla, Colombia. | |
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schmitt
Co-examiner: Prof. Andreas Matzarakis, German Meteorological Service, Uni Freiburg (D)
ETHZ E-Collection |