Legal basis
Students: Doctorate
Below you will find all information about your doctoral studies at D-ARCH. In case of unanswered questions the D-ARCH Doctoral Office or the Doctoral Administration Office at the Academic Services will be pleased to help at any time.
Teaching staff: Administration doctorate
All the useful information that you need for supervising your doctoral students is summarised. If you still have any unanswered questions, the Doctoral Office at D-ARCH or the Doctoral Administration Office at the Rectorate will be pleased to help at any time.
Ordinance on doctoral studies & Implementation Provisions ETH Zurich, Detailed Regulations D-ARCH
Doctoral committee
Academic year 2023/24 and 2024/25
Prof. Dr. Silke Langenberg (IDB), (Vorsitzende)
Prof. Dr. Maarten Delbeke (gta),
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Dillenburger (ITA)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Holzer (IDB),
Prof. Dr. Anna Puigjaner (IEA)