ETH Summer School in Rome
Building, Film, and Tourism in Post-War Rome: The Urbanism of ‘La Dolce Vita’
July 22-29 at the external page Istituto Svizzero di Roma
Download Call for Applications (PDF, 715 KB)
Topic and programme
Post-war Rome was a place of glaring contradictions: a mishmash of centuries-old monuments and gleaming new concrete structures, large informal settlements and opulent residential buildings, sprawling real estate speculation and ambitious public housing schemes, of Catholic moralism and uninhibited hedonism. Amidst all of this, a life of ceaseless activity flourished: the Eternal City was a hub for the production of Hollywood blockbusters, neorealist dramas, and timeless auteur cinema, of abstract and informal art, the capital of Italian fashion, the birthplace of paparazzi journalism, and the undisputed centre of ‘La Dolce Vita’ - a glamorous lifestyle attracting masses of tourists from America and Northern Europe. At once Apollonian and Dionysian, land of possibilities and cemetery of dreams, post-war Rome is paradigmatic of the Janus-faced character of the urban, both conceptually and ontologically - as a construct always shifting between the phenomenal and the represented.
This summer school explores Roman urbanism of these years (ca 1945-68) by examining the mutual relationships of the building, film, and tourism industries. In so doing, the programme encourages thinking about the city neither as a mental nor a physical entity, but as a combination of both - constantly produced, mediated, and consumed by these three industries in an endless loop. Students can expect to gain insight on 20th century architecture in Rome, and on the processes by which cities come to produce self-perpetuating myths, ossifying their image into a static identity. The week is structured around guided visits to buildings in and around Rome, supplemented by lectures and film screenings at the Istituto Svizzero. The language of tours and discussions is English.
Application process
We welcome applications by undergraduate and graduate students from a wide range of backgrounds (architecture, urbanism, visual arts, humanities, social sciences). The dates of the summer school are July 22-29. The cost is € 375.-, including accommodation at the Istituto Svizzero, transportation, tours, and a reader. To apply, send a cover letter, CV and work samples (text or portfolio) to co-organiser Davide Spina (). The deadline for applications is May 21st, those selected will be notified by June 1st.
Lukas Ingold, Institute of Technology in Architecture (ITA)
Jacqueline Maurer, external page University of Zurich (UZH)
Davide Spina, Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta)
Host Institution:
external page Istituto Svizzero di Roma (ISR)