SIA Master's Prize 2023

Two awards and two honorable mentions for Master's Theses from D-ARCH

SIA Masterpreis 2023 Leslie Majer
Leslie Majer was awarded an SIA Master's Thesis Prize for her project "Nobody is an Island".
Olga Cobuscean
Olga Cobuscean not only waas awarded a prize for her Master's thesis "Hotel Național - Arriving back home". She will also be a member of the prize jury next year.

The Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA) awarded the Master's Prize in Architecture for the second time this year. The best eight Master's theses were honored on November 16. Of the eight honored projects, four have been completed at the Department of Architecture.

Three of the eight honored Master's thesis projects from the past academic year were awarded the SIA Master's Prize for Architecture, two of which from the Department of Architecture: "Nobody is an Island" by Leslie Majer (supervision: Chair Emerson) and "Hotel Național - Arriving back home" by Olga Cobuscean (supervision: Chair De Vylder), who was also invited to take part again next year - as a member of the Master's Prize jury!

Among the other five honored projects, which each received CHF 1'000 in recognition, are two more from the Department of Architecture: "Purii" by Marine Gigandet, Janosch Kirchherr, Johannes Pfeifle (supervised by Professors Fonteyne and Ursprung) and "The Element of Repair" by Alicja Prusinska (supervised by Professor Christ/Gantenbein).

Our warmest congratulations!


Marine Gigandet, Janosch Kirchherr und Johannes Pfeifle
Marine Gigandet, Janosch Kirchherr and Johannes Pfeifle received recognition for their Master's thesis "Purii".
Alicja Prusinska
Alicja Prusinska's project "The Element of Repair" has also been recognised.

All D-ARCH nominations

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