A digital edition presents Gottfried Semper's writing “Style” for the first time in a critical version
Architects and historians can examine the architect's main theoretical work in detail on a website. The SNSF research project will enter its third phase in 2025.
Photograph of the writing from the gta Archives at ETH Zurich.
Gottfried Semper's work “Der Stil in den technischen und tektonischen Künsten” (Style in the Technical and Tectonic arts) was published in 1860/63 and is still one of the most influential publications in architectural history over 150 years later. In it, the architect and first professor of architecture at ETH Zurich examined how material, technology and function shape form and style in architecture and the applied arts. A digital edition presents his main theoretical work in a critical version for the first time.
The Swiss National Science Foundation research project is a collaboration between the professorships of Philip Ursprung at ETH Zurich and Sonja Hildebrand at the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) in Mendrisio. It offers an annotated edition of the various printed editions of “Style” and the associated manuscripts in digital form. “For the first time, the extensive text and image material will be made accessible in its entirety in a scientifically verifiable way,” explains Michael Gnehm, who led the research project from 2017 to 2023. Drafts, working copies and galley proofs - mostly from the gta Archives at ETH Zurich - are transcribed text-critically and compared with the printed editions.
Facsimile, transcript or reading version can be compared in the workspace.
An index makes the work accessible.
“Style” can be precisely screened with the search.
The first version of the project is available online at external page semper-edition.ch. On the website, architects and historians can compare the manuscript and the digital version, track changes or deletions and browse through Semper's work using a full-text search. The digital version helps to better understand how the work was created and changed over 25 years. Sometimes a copyist has made a mistake. Or Semper himself made corrections on the galley proofs.
“A thousand threads link contemporary architecture with the past,” says Michael Gnehm, who once completed his doctorate on Semper's architecture and language. “His work offers interesting theoretical considerations for today's practice because it goes back to the beginnings of architecture.” The digital edition allows a more differentiated view of the architect. Critical philological annotations make it possible to better understand the genesis of his thought. Around 1,200 commentaries to date also classify persons, places and terms. “Semper was a man of the 19th century, which was characterized by colonialism and imperialism,” says Michael Gnehm. “Our edition does not portray a hero, but rather emphasizes the links between Semper's position on architectural theory and architectural practice.”
The four parts of the digital edition
Theory of Art Forms
Comparative Architecture
The diversity of the material required a digital open access presentation. The website presents complex text levels in two windows side by side, so that Semper's conceptual universe can be experienced. A graph database was set up for this purpose, which relates the data sets to each other and links them to external materials and databases. Most of the manuscripts and handwritten notes were transcribed manually and some automatically using software from the Transkribus platform, which analyzes historical documents using artificial intelligence.
The SNSF research project is divided into three phases. Funding of 1.25 million Swiss francs for the third phase was approved in October 2024. It will further expand the functions of the website and digitize Semper's manuscript “Vergleichende Baulehre” (Comparative Architecture) as well as the lectures he gave at ETH Zurich, which have been preserved in student transcripts. “Semper had a perfect sense of language, but often worked with convoluted sentences,” says Michael Gnehm. “The transcripts of his lectures that students made at the time are often easier to understand than his texts.” The digital edition makes Semper more accessible - and preserves his work for posterity.
Gottfried Semper: Der Stil. Kritische und kommentierte Ausgabe SNSF research project in three phases (external page part 1 2017-2020, external page part 2 2021-2024, external page part 3 2025–2028) Applicants SNSF: Philip Ursprung (ETH Zurich), Maarten Delbeke (ETH Zurich), Sonja Hildebrand (USI)
Project management: Part 1 + 2: Michael Gnehm (USI/ETH) (until December 2023) Part 2 from 2021 Co-lead IT aspects: Elena Chestnova (USI) Part 2 from 2024 Elena Chestnova (USI)
Scientific collaboration part 3: Elena Chestnova (USI): Project management Dieter Weidmann (USI): Transcription and commentary Bernhard Metz (USI): Transcription Raphael Germann (USI): Transcription
Graphic design website: Reinhard Schmidt and Nadine Wüthrich
Database and coding website: Scientific IT Services (SIS), ETH Zurich: Swen Vermeuil