Visiting lecturer Oliver Lütjens joins the Swiss Federal Art Commission

In the committee, the co-founder of the architecture firm Lütjens Padmanabhan will be a member of the jury for the Swiss Art Awards.

Oliver Lütjens (Photo: Désirée Good)

Oliver Lütjens succeeds architect Victoria Easton, who previously represented architecture on the Swiss Federal Art Commission. Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan founded their architecture office in Zurich in 2007 and have since completed several housing projects, including the Swiss diplomatic residences in Bogotá and Algiers. Lütjens has taught at Harvard University and at the Technical University of Munich, and since the spring semester of 2024 he has been a visiting lecturer at ETH Zurich with Thomas Padmanabhan. Lütjens was already an expert for architecture on the jury for the Swiss Art Awards in 2017 and 2018.

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