Master's thesis: preparation

From AS 2021, an overall theme will be developed on which the individual programmes of the cooperation partners are based.

This theme is prepared by a single chair.

First Master's thesis theme meeting

(2 semesters before the programmes are issued in week 19 and 49)

The chair that will work out the theme up to the coordination meeting will be determined.

Coordination meeting

(in week 13 and 41)

The preparatory chair presents the theme. Then the cooperation partners begin to find each other and work out a draft of the programme for the second master's topic meeting. This meeting will take place before the internal enrolment starts.

Template programme:

Download Master's_thesis_topic_description (DOCX, 13 KB)

Second Master's thesis theme meeting

(1 semester before the programmes are issued in week 19 and 49)

The cooperation partners are introduced and their programmes are activated for internal enrolment.

After the end of the internal enrolment, the students are assigned based on their priorities.

The definitive programmes are issued on the first day of the semester.

Timeline of the Master's thesis procedure

Download Specifications_MA_general (PDF, 66 KB)

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