Performance assessments
Within the study programmes of architecture, performance assessments are verified in:
- Examinations
- Written reports and thesis
- Presentations and speeches
- Project work
Information regarding performance assessments (examination form, duration, allowed tools) are to be found within the course description in the
course catalogue.
- chevron_right Examination information
- chevron_right Types of examination
- chevron_right Continuous Performance Assessments
- chevron_right Examination levels
- chevron_right Examination scheduling
- chevron_right Dates
- chevron_right Registration
- chevron_right Preponement/Distance Examination of Session and End-of-Semester Examinations
- chevron_right Withdrawal
- chevron_right Receipt of the examination schedule
- chevron_right During the examination session
- chevron_right Results, credit points
- chevron_right FAQ Performance assessments
- chevron_right Performance assessments mobility students
- chevron_right Digital examinations
Plagiarism prevention
Master and semester projects must be completed by the authors and supplemented with a declaration of originality.
At D-ARCH this especially refers to theses electives, focus work and master's theses. It is the responsibility of the supervising professor to ensure that this provision is complied with.
Prüfungsbericht / Examination report
- für besuchte Kurse an Institutionen ausserhalb der ETH /
for courses taken at a non-ETH-Institutions - wenn Noten und Kreditpunkte nicht über eDoz verfügt werden können / if the registration of grades and credits is not possible in eDoz
- MAS-Studierende / Doktorierende / Austausch-/Gaststudierende /
MAS students / doctoral students / mobility/visiting students
Grade corrections
Examiners are not allowed to change grades or results after they have listed them in eDoz.
However, up until the point when the grades/results have actually been decreed by the Study Administration Office or formally determined by a grading conference they may still be changed by the Study Administration Office.
Every correction of an already decreed grade or result must be sent to the Study Administration Office D-ARCH via the designated form. The request must contain justified grounds and any relevant documents must be enclosed.
Every grade correction must be approved by the Director of Studies. The Rector makes the final decision.