Study programmes

Studying at ETH is based on a tiered model, with bachelor's and master's degrees. This study structure corresponds to the European "Bologna" model. Course work is rewarded with credit points in the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
Architecture is concerned with the search for creative solutions in the field of tension between construction, the satisfaction of living and working needs and the preservation of a livable, designed environment.
Architects create, modify, and receive structural funds an environment that meets the expectations and conditions of the individual and the society. Their responsibilities include in the broad context the analysis of the existing buildings and neigborhood, building the basis for creative thinking and acting as well as to justify architectural interventions. They reflect the needs of all members of a society and implement them creatively. They respond to social, economic and environmental changes and design proactive strategies.
Architects work independently or as employees in architectural offices. They may also work in construction, administration, and large corporations, as well as in the areas of design, art, and culture.
The Master’s programme in Integrated Building Systems (MIBS) provides a science-based education in building systems and technologies with a strong emphasis on the energy performance and the environmental impacts of buildings. The emphasis is put on the integration of sustainable energy technologies at building and urban levels.
Graduates are working as engineers, architects and managers working in the field of building services, facility management, energy consulting, able to shape the future of energy demand and supply in the built environment.
The master program imparts landscape architecture skills in analysis, design and planning, materials and construction, natural sciences and the humanities, which optimally deepen and complement the bachelor's degree in architecture. The teaching of innovative digital analysis, design and planning methods is an essential part of the study.