Culture & Care

The Department is comitted to increase gender parity across all levels and to take leadership in embedding awareness of, and strong engagement with matters of diversity and parity in academic and architectural culture.

D-ARCH Code of Conduct


This D-ARCH Code of Conduct states what we, as D-ARCH community, collectively strive for in order to create a safe and inclusive work and learning environment. It is a regulatory ideal and a learning tool that helps us assess problematic situations and guide our behaviour in case of confusion or doubt.

This Code of Conduct is a declaration of intent, not a procedural protocol. It does not offer simple solutions or quick fixes simply because these do not always exist. The Code of Conduct is to be seen as an invitation and guiding framework to establish and maintain an open conversation on our shared D-ARCH learning and working culture.

The D-ARCH Code of Conduct is complemented with the D-ARCH Care and Complaint Network that offers support and outlines the first steps to take in the case of breaches of the Code of Conduct. Both are in line with ETH regulations and procedures. D-ARCH has developed these department-specific tools to make the ETH framework more accessible and applied to the specifics of architecture education, and set up a system of care around it.

The Code of Conduct employs a ‘we’ throughout the text, to stress the importance of our shared responsibility as a community and to urge every member to feel implicated and self-reflect. However, this ‘we’ does not eradicate the reality of the power and privilege differences at play in D-ARCH.

The D-ARCH Code of Conduct is written in an accessible and clear language. However, it does not refrain from introducing a few key parity and diversity terms and concepts, in order to build up a basic literacy. To back this up, a glossary is added in a first annex. A second annex offers concrete examples and further explanations to the statements of the Code.

The D-ARCH Code of Conduct holds for all members of the D-ARCH community, as well as invited guests. It also concerns behaviour outside D-ARCH that potentially compromises the safety and integrity of D-ARCH’s work and learning environment. It was developed in 2023 but is annually revised and part of an ongoing learning culture.

Read the protected pageentire document.

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