Career opportunities
The study of architecture at the ETH Zurich provides the basis for work in a wide occupational field. In addition to self-employment in a private architectural firm, architects may also work in construction, real estate development, banks, and public administration, as well as in design, art, and culture. In the construction sector, practicing architects usually coordinate many specialists. A broad-based, lifelong learning process is therefore essential.
"Das Architekturstudium ist ein sehr vielseitiges Studium. Technische, künstlerische, historische und sozialwissenschaftliche Aspekte gehören genau dazu wie der architektonische Entwurf selbst. Besonders toll finde ich die Abwechslung zwischen dem praktischen Element Entwurf und dem theoretischen Teil der Vorlesungen."
Valerie Weibel
"First and foremost, architecture – its concepts and ways of thinking – is a passion. Content-wise I am fascinated by the immediate relationship between social development, culture, and spatial design."
Kornelia Gysel, futurafrosch, Zürich
"The multifaceted work sharpens the ability to understand complex relationships and translate complicated marginal conditions into architecture, be it as a design architect, as a client representative, or a juror. I have been sobered by the professional world, in which there is increasingly less time for careful design work and the quality of craftsmanship is increasingly lost."
Brigitte Widmer, widmer-demontmollin, Biel
"What I like about the profession of the architect is that from an idea, after many small intermediary steps, a building that is used by people is created."
Romano Brasser, Brasser Architektur, Samedan
"Architecture is based on the mix of practical logic and artistic vision. To find a fruitful balance of this two and to provide a 'crispy' solution which not only matches the demand, but inspires with vigour is a hard and interesting task. The variety of practical tasks allows to work on the projects with a range of scale from the smallest detail to the city."
Ekhaterina Nozhova, Russia